
• Enable people without suitable land of their own to grow high-quality fruits and vegetables

• Community gardeners eat more fruits and vegetables

• Gardening requires physical activity and helps improve overall physical health.

• Interacting with plants and having access to nature help reduce stress and increase gardeners' sense of wellness and belonging.

• Community gardens foster a sense of community identity, ownership and stewardship.

• Gardens help reduce the heat-island effect in cities, increase biodiversity, reduce rain runoff, recycle local organic materials and reduce fossil fuel use from food transport.

• All ages can acquire and share knowledge related to gardening, cooking, nutrition and health. Some gardens have programs that provide training in horticulture, business management, leadership development and market gardening.

• Gardens provide a safe place for youth to explore gardening, nature and community through formal programming or informal participation.

• Produce may be used to offset food purchases from the grocery store.

• Some research indicates community gardens may increase surrounding property values