Monday, May 9, 2011

Thank You Brownie Troop 5339!

5/7: Brownie Troop 5339 came to the farm to learn history and help with the garden. These girls were very enthusiastic and excited to participate. They helped water the plants with jugs of water I had brought from home. They then tested their strength by pounding metal fence posts into the ground around the garden. We then planted some tomato plants and pulled up some of the large roots that are left in the ground. We only had a small amount of fencing to work with and they helped me secure it to the posts. As they pulled up roots we began using them as a pickets for fencing around the test plot.

I was encouraged by the enthusiasm and willingness to help of these young girls. I was up at the farm on Sunday and one of the Brownies was so proud of what she had been a part of she brought her family to come see. It is things like this that keep me excited and motivated to grow this garden to it's fullest potential. Pictures to come soon.

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